Hi all,Mogwai wrote:There is a problem here and until people figure out how to do things different it will just repeat itself.![]()
My OOC goal was to get more players to come back to geas.
IC: my goal was to provide a different contrast of a villainy available.
Including myself I was able to get 6 players into/back into geas in 2 months.
POLoreena, myself, PODelmon, 2 other former mudders, and POUrik.![]()
I came back for a bit because I liked the wizards and I thought "you know helping this game flourish is worth it because of them".![]()
2 months later...
People tried to make the game so unpleasant for us that I said to myself why the fuck am I trying to grow a game to give more depth to our playerbase when people's RP is so abrasive that recruits/I don't even enjoy the game.![]()
I refuse to treat a game like work and play something other people try and make unenjoyable.![]()
Few other players seemed to understood that geas runs better with more people and I understand few people can see the big picture like that unless it's 20/20 hindsight.
Just remember that because we're so stubborn we lose 6 players.![]()
Cause: You want your 'always enemy and ostracizing type RP' so be it.
Effect: you can chill at the fountains waiting for RP diversity that was killed off.![]()
Understand those actions will continue to keep the playerbase low and actions have consequences IC and OOC always![]()
just my observations,
happy geasing
since this seems to target on me, please let me state first, that I consider your abstract of the ongoings as highly biased and unfair.
According to my opinion poLoreena went for Arborea judge because there was a funny red knob with the inscription "press me" - this alone has in my eyes not very much to do with roleplay, this is just pulling a trigger because it is there, a random action so to speak.
When she was afterwards confronted with some very moderate (ingame) reactions (a posting on a board is in my opinion a valid ingame action, and as such a way of roleplay too), the character in question vanished without a word.
After my postings I wrote _several_ mails to all protagonists to meet ooc to explain/discuss the situation and the further plot. I received no reaction at all. I have been hanging around 2 @weeks at the Arborean marketplace, the person that did not show up was the self-made judge of Arborea (Loreena) (neiter anyone else of your flock).
The only ingame reaction I found were around 10 postings of totally unknown characters, likely seconds.
So, where is the roleplay from your side you demand that intensely? And what do you mean with I made the game unpleasant for you? Your people broke the "rules", not mine.
I personally totally decline, that everything should be allowed in geas, just to avoid to "make the game unpleasant" for others. Having fun does not (and can not) mean to be allowed to do everything.
There is a game setting, there are ingame rules, this setting and these rules are imo to be respected by everyone, otherwise I could declare Nathan Queen of Evandar from tomorrow on. And if someone questions Nathans claim as Queen of Elvandar, I will whine here at the boards that you mean people make the game unpleasant for me now

Imo the freedom the game offers is, that you can of course do everything with your char - but you _must_ expect consequences. If you cannot suffer any consequence for your char, think first!
I am still sorry that poLoreena instantly decided to leave the game instead of playing it - but I do not think that this was my fault.