How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
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How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
This thread only lists your plain suggestions for later finetuning - please use the sister thread for discussion, this here is a plain, uncommented suggestion list. Since it is already late, please poke me if I did not list your suggestion.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
mazarmormuk wrote:hmm, well, i m doing currently some fight training in rl. It is quite the same OOC/IC situation before and after the fight, so lets compare the game here with that:
1, Each hit is adjusted to situation and enemy(IC)/partner(OOC) and nearly never used in full power
2, It is absolutely mandatory to ask before you hit hard.
3, and it is common if you hit harder than intented to take initiative as the offender to ask if the other one is still feeling ok.
4, You would be expelled from the current training directly if the victim expressed whatever negative feelings and you would be ongoing.
5, the situation that someone needs to complain to the master would definately end with beeing completely expelled.
The result of that ooc-information in that case is that there is a constant action-reaction-flow, having a lot of fun even against far weaker enemies.
This might sound as if i talked about ingame combat only, but what i mean is all ic action in general.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
glorfindel wrote:I think the first rule anybody should consider, something that you would not want to suffer, think twice before you do it to someone else. I said in some other thread, there are plenty of other ways to achieve something, you don't have to take the most painful route for the other player. Just imaging yourself on the receiving end of your 'medicine' for once and you'll likely realize that some things are just never OK.
Also, always remember there's a human being behind the character and that human being is not a verbal punching bag. There are things that should never be said or done, no matter what. Try to treat the person behind the screen civil and sometimes, opt for not doing the harshest method possible just because your character is the 'most uber ass ever born and he hates everyone and tries to destroy them'. You are still dealing with human beings.
Furthermore, be mindful of others. If you have the feeling something is getting to someone, maybe pull them aside? If you are about to do something that you have the feeling the other person would suffer from, maybe check if the PO is fine?
Also, don't always destroy years of work just because 'your character would do it'.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
luminier wrote:Honestly, the -only- thing I can think of is to keep in OOC contact with the players -BEFORE- things get out of control. I think now it's too late and hind sight is 20/20.
Recently, I kept in constant IC contact and OOC contant with players and was able to make it so I didn't have to do crazy things like start a huge war that would never end.
Basically, this is going to get solved IC. Ill make sure of it. And no one will quit. I am confident.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
mazarmormuk wrote:I guess that in many cases it would help if players helped each others ooc to understand the created situations from the other side.
So if someone would destroy a character or guild with his action, i would really wish a call to the ooc area, maybe together with a wizard or a neutral, to get the results of the rp explained.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
Brom wrote:Additionally for example, reminding a player that this is a game, and their actions may be making the game less enjoyable for someone else.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
luminier wrote:One thing I think everyone should understand is that we play this game -together-. Your enemies are your enemies not for your own enjoyment, but to have mutual fun. Play around! Have fun! You don't need to kill everyone all the time.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
ferranifer wrote:I'd say what we need here is people exercising common sense. If your actions could be so crippling or insurmountably punishing that they would drive someone away from the game, please think twice, for the good of the game. Specially when the other side cannot do anything about it.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
luminier wrote:Rule/guideline/agreement number 1 - Don't be a dick. You're playing with people on the other end of those characters.
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
ghalt wrote:"You're not allowed to start a trial against an absent character."--this isn't really in the neighborhood of fair if done against a player gone for a year.
ghalt wrote:"If someone asks you OOCly to stop bothering them, stop bothering them. RP is not an excuse to continue, cut off contact until a member of staff can intervene."--That is like um, if someone's taking too much flack from another they need to be able to leave, and human nature convinces folk to stick it out when it's really best they not. Like if bonepriest player X decides that being harangued in a certain way by a crusader is too much for them as a player, and they need to go away now, you can either let them leave ic now or watch them log out and not come back later? And hopefully and I'm volunteering them for this one of the wizards can moderate the disagreement later so the game can continue? (Keeping in mind like, bone priest player X may have "just come home from a shift working at the homeless shelter" or whatever and was looking to unwind playing an evil necromancer fighting orcs and not a target for hot cauters on that day or whatever. ^^)
ghalt wrote:It would also be helpful to have like, "a process for submitting complaints"--I mean the very best of us over 5-10 years or whatever are probably going to do something complaint worthy to someone, and I feel like currently things get to irreparable levels before staff is involved, and failing to stay in character when things are too much to deal with is heavily discouraged?
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Re: How should we treat eachother? - List of Suggestions
morgaine wrote:So I suggest the following rule:
- If it is possible in any way in your RP, try to turn a pointless encounter into an interesting one, and give people that are your enemies creative punishments. Give people the chance to recover from their failures, even if you OOCly know they will never be good.