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TV Shows
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:31 am
by ganandorf
I love watching TV shows, What are your guyses favourites.
1. Battlestar Galactica
underneath that:
Dexter, six feet under, trailer park boys, south park, family guy, its always sunny in philly, curb your enthusiasm, seinfeld, Way to many to name after that.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:37 am
by Meribo
Whale Wars
Snipped from Wikipedia:
Whale Wars is a one-hour weekly American documentary-style reality television series that premiered on November 7, 2008 on the Animal Planet cable channel. The program follows Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, as he and his crew aboard the MV Steve Irwin attempt to deter Japanese ships that hunt whales off the coast of Antarctica.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:20 am
by luminier
I like BSG, Dexter and I used to watch House a lot.
But at the moment Im rather obsessed with Bored to Death
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:16 pm
by Arwenth
In no particular order:
Law & Order
Deadliest Catch
Burn Notice
Good Eats
Almost anything on the discovery channel really....
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:31 am
by Desiderea
Lost! That is the only one I'm really obsessed with.
I watch a few others occasionally. The Discovery Channel or History channel is usually on at my house, so we like Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, and the like. I really enjoyed the show Ghost Lab too. I kinda got bored with Monster Quest, cause they never find anything!
Also, I always watch Avalanche games.

Hockey is really the only sport I pay much attention to.
Um... there's a bunch of old shows I used to watch too. Firefly = best cancelled show ever. Watched the first season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, used to watch House and Bones... Yeah, don't really watch too many shows regularly anymore.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:42 am
by ganandorf
Oh God, How could I forget lost.
Only... 13 days till the new seasons, which is going to be... interesting to say the least.
edit: I like the show "supernatural" too. And from lost the dude that played jacob in the last season, plays lucifer, he also played paul in dexter. Cool guy.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:51 pm
by Arwenth
Desiderea wrote: Firefly = best cancelled show ever.
Oh yes. Yes indeed..Favorite character?
I M'self am partial to Captain Renyolds and to Zoe
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:35 pm
by Minariel
BSG and 30 Rock are two of my current favorite shows. BSG had one of the best stories ever. 30 Rock is just plain funny. It's even worse when you can tag many of the characters as someone you know.
And as far as Firefly. Best character is Wash.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:37 pm
by ganandorf
Yeah, I've seen alot of TV shows. But the plot of BSG just blew my mind, so many twists and turns and epicness. I think I've watched it 3 times now, and want to watch it again.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:45 am
by Desiderea
Favorite Firefly character is River. Cause crazy, psychic chicks kick ass.

I really love the whole conglomeration of characters on that show though. So much fun.

Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:36 am
by luminier
I also like flight of the conchords for some reason. it's pretty funny to me iunno why lol.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:11 am
by Abharsair
Sons of Anarchy.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:41 am
by isengoo
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:14 pm
by matusalem
The cancelled shows that I still enjoy on DVD: Rome, Carnival, Deadwood, The Shield.
The still current: Big Love, Californication, The Tudors, Dexter
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:26 pm
by Cuetlachtli
Love the BSG love in here.
I was crazy about that show. The ending, for me, left a little to be desired, but there is an obvious totally kickass spinoff that _could_ be done, but probably won't. For those rooting for the cylon side the whole time you probably know what I am talking about....
Have the BSG fans here seen 'The Plan' yet? It was a really neat look at the basically the first season or so of the show (maybe more) from they cylon perspective. It was very cool. But if you aren't familiar with the show it could seem a little disjointed.
Whale wars is a really cool show too.
How it's made anyone?
How about Antiques Roadshow?
Still no?

Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:03 pm
by Arwenth
Cuetlachtli wrote:
How it's made anyone?
I like How it's made. I never though I'd be fascinated by camera lenses but I was...
And Flight of the Concords is funny. I didn't even think of it.
I have to ask though,
Anyone got any shows they watch that they usually don't admit to?
I myself...confess to watching,...
Desperate Housewives of all things....
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:34 pm
by matusalem
I cannot believe I forgot this one:
Eastbound And Down!
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:24 pm
by ganandorf
I have seen the plan. I thought it was really well done.
They did reuse alot of scenes, but they reuse it in
a way that its a completely new experience.
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:44 pm
by ganandorf
Hey matusalem,
the newest dexter season finale. Was the ending a kick in the groin for you too?
Re: TV Shows
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:50 am
by Sairina
That was some season finale, wasn't it?