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While on the move

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:49 am
by Ikar

I was wondering if some of us were using other devices than PCs to log into Geas, such as Iphones/Ipods touch, Blackberries, Palms...

I did see that Iphones and the like had telnet programs that could make it possible, but I doubt the screens are big enough to fit with long descriptions, particularly when virtual keyboards cover half the screen.

Anybody experienced telnet from any of those machines?
Anybody could brag he has the smallest-while-still-convenient device to log in?


Re: While on the move

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:44 am
by lanyara
I have a leprechaun-sized device, actually. Especially when the fonts are like really tiny ... they suddenly start to dance in front of my eyes!