Geas can be confusing, so hopefully this helps get you started on killing things in geas.

Some basic commands before attacking:
To look at your inventory, type "inventory" or "i"
To look at your armor ratings, type “armourstats”
To look at your weapons’ ratings, type “weaponstats”
You will, excluding certain rare occurrences, want to have your weapon unwielded while walking around. This does not include wielding a one-handed “walking stick,” indicated by a ‘W’ in ‘hands’ column after typing ‘weaponstats.’ If your weapon has the walking stick capability, then you can wield the weapon in one hand, and if you move you should not gain as much fatigue.
Example of walking-stick:
Code: Select all
Weapon | Hands
spear | 2 * W | very good
Code: Select all
wield spear in right hand
You wield the spear in your right hand.
unwield all
You unwield the spear.
wield spear in left hand
You wield the spear in your left hand.
unwield all
You unwield the spear.
wield spear with both hands
You wield the spear in your right hand and left hand.
You are wielding a short silver spear with your right hand and left hand.
Code: Select all
draw spear from belt with both hands
>You draw your short silver spear from the sheath of your wide leather belt
(with one sheath attached to it).
slide spear into belt
You slide your short silver spear into your sheath of your wide leather belt
(with one sheath attached to it).
The bottom half of the specials are limited to Shaolins or former shaolins, but the top half anyone can attempt if they have the right weapons for it. Most of the specials upgrade into better specials at skill 60. For example, you can use gore instead of impale at level 60, or plunge instead of leap attack at level 60. You can use the upgrade when an X appears in the box. Use specials when you fight. Look at below. They can do awesome stuff!
Example of the upgraded special 'gore':
Code: Select all
You change the grip on your spear and thrust it with force towards the
menacing brown-furred female sphinx. You slash into her scalp and hurt her
critically. You then twist your weapon in her wound before you pull it out
The menacing brown-furred female sphinx screams loudly!
The menacing brown-furred female sphinx is knocked out.
The menacing brown-furred female sphinx falls unconscious.
Code: Select all
You jump up high into the air...
Spinning around you kick the graceful long-armed female nymph hard with
your foot and bruise her head severely.
The graceful long-armed female nymph falls unconscious.
You knock the graceful long-armed female nymph unconscious with your
Spinning around you kick the lithe slender female nymph hard with your
foot and bruise her head severely.
The lithe slender female nymph's wounds start to bleed.
The lithe slender female nymph falls unconscious.
You knock the lithe slender female nymph unconscious with your hit.
Spinning around you kick the beautiful delicate female nymph hard with
your foot and bruise her head severely.
The beautiful delicate female nymph's wounds start to bleed.
You land safely on your feet.
There is also a setting called ‘delaylimit,’ which varies the amount of delay between the ability to use a special. delaylimit 0 will make the delay the least possible but also causes the most fatigue. Delaylimit 100 will make the delay the most possible but also causes the least fatigue.
Code: Select all
delaylimit 0
You change your delay-limit from 0 to 0.
Wimpy sends your guy in a frenzied retreat if you’re badly hurt, sending you anywhere and everywhere! To change this, type ‘wimpy 0’. Your mood can be anything from defend to frenzy. This is fairly self explanatory, but one grants a greater chance of hitting and being hit, while defend you don’t even attack but have the least chance of getting hit.
There are a variety of body parts you can aim at. There is a also a skill called aim. Learning skill aim will improve your chances to hit the body part aimed at successfully. You can practice this skill by typing 'aim at right hand', 'aim at head' etc. You can also learn the skill protect, which intuitively protects one body part more than others. To use this skill, type 'protect right hand', 'protect neck', 'protect left foot' etc.
OK! Before you attack, appraise. This is will help you out a lot. Just go ‘Appraise object’. For example, appraise elf, or appraise gremlin. Some creatures are aggressive and attack automatically. You can ‘appraise foe’ or ‘appraise foes’ in this case. If they look tough, or likely to seriously hurt you, or likely to kill you, don’t attack them!
Code: Select all
appraise foes
You study the beautiful long-armed female nymph carefully.
She is physically barely alive and mentally in full vigour.
She is extremely alert.
You are much stronger than she is.
You are about as dexterous as she is.
You are more agile than she is.
You are a bit less healthy than she is.
You know she will bore you if you fight her.
You know her weight is 52 kg, her volume is about 46 liter and her height is
about 159 cm.
To attack, type ‘kill object’. Such as kill gremlin. Then the battle will begin. Don’t forget to be wielding your weapon and trying out specials!
Make sure to check your hp fairly often. To do this, type ‘hp.’ You will see your fatigue level, your hitpoint status, and your breathing level. If you are getting close to out of breath, it’s time to retreat. If you are ‘not in a good shape’ or ‘in a bad shape,’ its time to retreat.
To retreat or get out of there, just go back the way you came, like east, west, southwest etc. Sometimes the enemy will be too fast so you will have to try it again until it works. Most npcs won’t block the exits, so you will likely escape.
To block an exit, type ‘block exit’. For example, block west, block east, block up, block northwest etc. This will make it –harder- for someone to escape. You can also ‘hunt foe’, and this will cause your character to follow your enemy if they leave.
Healing up! You will want to ‘aid me’ to stop your bleeding as fast as possible. You can then ‘medical wounds of me’ to get a little aid bonus or something like that. Then you will want to ‘rest’ or ‘meditate’ to heal up. You can heal up the same whether you are wielding or not. To get out of meditation, type ‘rise.’ If for some reason you get a limb cut off, you can go to a temple and get it restored, or if you pick up the limb, you can get it attached back on. If you break a bone, type ‘medical right arm’ for example to put the arm in a splint. Again, if you’re confused you can ask through the newbie line.
Example of aiding and medical:
Code: Select all
aid me
You begin to aid yourself.
>You bandage your bloodloss.
You bandage your bloodloss.
You stop aiding since there are no bleeding wounds.
You stop aiding yourself.
medical wounds of me
The wounds are already bandaged.
You can't treat them any further.
Example of looting:
Code: Select all
It's Night.
In a forest.
The trees and hills open out to form a well lit clearing. A mossy banked
stream trickles past in the dappled shade of the trees. Lining the path are
tall trees that seem to have been crammed in too close to one another.
Despite that, they grow strongly with broad, straight trunks. Brightly
coloured birds dart about high up in the tree tops, calling out their
alarms as they are disturbed.
There are two obvious exits: southeast, south.
A corpse of a bouncy white-furred male faun, a corpse of a horned
gray-furred female faun, some pieces of faun meat, a piece of faun meat and
a wooden club.
l at corpse
This is the dead body of a bouncy white-furred male faun.
The corpse contains:
Two silver coins and two wooden clubs.
l at corpse 2
This is the dead body of a horned gray-furred female faun.
The corpse contains:
Three silver coins and a wooden club.
l at corpses
This is the dead body of a bouncy white-furred male faun.
The corpse contains:
Two silver coins and two wooden clubs.
This is the dead body of a horned gray-furred female faun.
The corpse contains:
Three silver coins and a wooden club.
get coins from corpse 1
You get two silver coins from the corpse 1.
get coins from corpse 2
You get three silver coins from the corpse 2.

If you fall on the ground, your character will take some time to get up. To get up faster, use 'flickup' to make your character use some stamina and get back up immediately. You cannot use flickup with very heavy armours.
Example of a failing flickup from a failing knee special! oh no! Thankfully I can try again soon after.
Code: Select all
You try to ram your knee into the swift white male unicorn's right hind leg,
but it avoids your attack.
You lose your balance and fall down to the ground.
You twist your body trying to spring to your feet but fail and fall back to
the ground.
Slow down! You're not ready yet.
You twist your body and slam the heels of your hands against the ground
launching yourself to your feet.
***everyone wears a --tunic-- you'll probably want to find out how to get one IC and get one. It is a very efficient armour.
***The higher the constitution,the less you'll have to retreat, press hp, and so forth. Races with high constitution are tshaharks, dwarves, and humans. Elves and halflings have to watch their hp closely
***Arrows cannot stun