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by Drayn » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:00 am
I was just curious as to what clients and what features they use to make their lives easier.
Myself, I use TinTin++. I greatly enjoy having it's mapper when I'm wandering around the wilderness and I totally freak out when it goes wrong
I've a number of different aliases but my favourite is pack and unpack for putting things in and taking stuff out of my backpack. I also have stowcoins which puts my coins in the bag I use as a wallet.
I also make great use of highlights, though I've delegated a lot of them to the games built in highlighter since discovering it because TT++'s often has some odd effects. It still does some highlighting, like colour coding health and fatigue levels so I can see as a glance how bad something is

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by Delmon » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:56 am
I use mushclient. I've never used a mapper, and maybe that is why I never end up exploring. But it's free, it works, and I make use of 130+ aliases.
You can also use aliases in-game however, so even a client without alias options would be fine for playing geas.
'Help alias'
For combat, I like a flickup alias, drawing weapons/changing weapons aliases, and specials alias.
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by Skragna » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:22 pm
ZMUD. Only CMUD is better... Besides, I've gotten far too used to it to change now.
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by luminier » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:16 pm
I used ZMUD. If you want it free of charge just PM me.
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by Orodreth » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:37 pm
I use Portal. It has a mapping function and all kinds of fancy things like timers and macros and all that jazz, but I mostly just use the basic functions. It also has hp, mana, and other monitors that I obviously don't use because Geas isn't like that.
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by Eleassa » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:50 pm
I use MUSHclient because it has an easy-to add screenreader for when I'm proofreading an area I've built, or when I get one of my photo-phobic headaches and can't tolerate light. I map out areas on paper, or with a paint program. That way I can also take notes on things that might be in the rooms.
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by fernao » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:10 am
Have been using TinyFugue since I started mudding over 20 years ago. I still love it. I use tons of makros, aliases and other stuff, e.g. to create hp/mana/fatigue bars.
Here a sample screenshot:

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by lili » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:31 pm
I use mush right now, since i blew up my desk top.. zmud is what I like the most, much easier to work with for me and to map.
My mush always crashes on my laptop and i lose all my alias/triggers! and i have to sit for nearly an hour putting them all back in again. It is annoying

and it gets me killed! Though it could be just this crappy windows 7
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by Eluriel » Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:44 am
I use gmud, cause I never bothered to look for a better client, and I only really use basic stuff anyway. I was just happy it had color when I first got it.
Anyone know of any other good free clients?
Something that would be nice: an easy way to capture text, like select all. I hate having to scroll back in gmud to capture text and copy/paste. Especially if it's during some cool rp I want to save, I have to take the time out to scroll back, which means I'm missing the cool rp!
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by Orodreth » Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:24 am
fernao wrote:Have been using TinyFugue since I started mudding over 20 years ago. I still love it. I use tons of makros, aliases and other stuff, e.g. to create hp/mana/fatigue bars.
Here a sample screenshot:
Do you constantly spam 'hp'?
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by fernao » Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:39 am
If you consider hp-triggers spam, yes.
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by Drayn » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:52 pm
Ubuntu user, good man
Have you ever tried tintin++?
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by Orodreth » Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:52 am
You guys and your map displays. I have pretty much the entire game mapped out in my head.
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by Drayn » Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:08 pm
Mapping in my head makes my brain meat hurt. I need some visual cue or I get confused.
Since the map I'm much more familiar with my surroundings. I can find my way about the major cities without the mapper (and frequently do when it decides to go insane). It's become a comfort thing, if the map screws up I feel lost, despite knowing where I am

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by luminier » Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:19 pm
Orodreth wrote:You guys and your map displays. I have pretty much the entire game mapped out in my head.
Ya it's totally easy once you've played enough.
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by ramandu » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:11 am
I enjoy not mapping and rping Ram has a lousy direction sense unless he goes there a great deal. It tends to make the power gamers in the party impatient' but it's fun.
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by glasp » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:36 pm
Eluriel wrote:Something that would be nice: an easy way to capture text, like select all. I hate having to scroll back in gmud to capture text and copy/paste. Especially if it's during some cool rp I want to save, I have to take the time out to scroll back, which means I'm missing the cool rp!
I use the crystal client (
http://www.evilmagic.org/crystal ) with some simple local patches. It has essentially "no features" except split input/output fields like telnet (and the split is really nice). You can do some very basic keybinds and I think there's a scripting extension in lua for triggers/timers/etc, but I never bothered to use it. I'm not using it anyway.. just basic color and some old-fashioned telnet. But it has a nifty "dump scrollback to file" which you can use to save the text in your session (or just activate logging from the start of course).