Logs must still be movable, else towers in the entrance of Elvandar would be impossible, and there often are 2-3 placed.Delia wrote:You mean the logs cannot be moved at all anymore? What a bummer if that is so. What will the Arborean woodcutters with their tshaharks for beasts of burden in my imagination do now?Since logs are too heavy to be moved these days even less versatile than they used to be.
The main problem with towers/undeads/golems is that you excert control and danger without putting yourself in any danger.
On top of that, the time and risk involved in removing them is FAR greater then creating them. It takes my char over 30 minutes to remove a single tower (unmanned). I spend my whole day to remove 6 of them, only to notice once my round through Arborea finished, that more had been replaced then I could possibly remove in that time.
If these things need to exist, every guild should have them. Then we can fight totally boring proxywars with towers against phonix against undead against angel agaist demon.
At least put a stern timer on such tools so they degrade fast if the owner does not care for them, like with the golems was said, 4 hours sounds like a decent time. It allows your char to ignore them so it is not forced to waste your whole evening removing towers that are replaced by the creator in 30 mins of his time.