ferranifer wrote:There have been some arguments about the amward bridge being already dangerous to start with anyways and the importance of scout. Well, yes, to a degree. Is it ok to put 2 ogres at the nibbler's hut? It is a dangerous place for some characters, isn't it? I don't think anyone would complain about undead at the gorge, maybe even thurses at the gorge, but if someone put two extra trolls at the orc tower then wouldn't we be talking about what is the real intention behind that move? Is it to project power or to grief people?
The nibbler hut is a bad example, thats a newbie area and as such under special protection - the west amward is currently not that much a newbie thing - I personally have the impression, that this is also a "how much dynamic is cool, when does it become uncool" matter - since I am a total fan of a dynamic game world, I personally appreciate every single monster that moves - the farer, the better - usually. - -Anyway ...
Now, we could of course argue, hey, placing two nibblers randomly anywhere is totally cool, but placing two - lets say ironhold giants, isn't. Ok. The next player might then likely argue, hey, two ogres is totally uncool too, lets ostracise that too - the next, nono, orcs are very hard already, thats also uncool - we would likely end up that placing anything anywhere is to be ostracised. I personally think that this is not such a good option, but well.
Shall we maybe restrict the monster placing areas? Like, you are allowed to place monster here, but not there?
(Edit: I personally wouldnt be a big fan of that neither, I personally like it when players are not allowed to feel too safe. But thats only my opinion.)
So or so, to avoid all mishaps, the game would require a "monster-placing-rule" then. A reliable guide where to expect which randomly placed monsters, and where not. So, if you would be in the need to define a rule, cool/uncool, social and unsocial, perfect gameplay and unfair behavior amongst players, that precisely describes what is still allowed, and what is to be disallowed, what would you write? Because, "common sense" is a problematic thing, you see things your way, others might not and this bears, like we see, a lot of conflict potential. And to make sure, that the game monsters are always placed in a totally "cool" way for every player, it would require a rule that does not allow any misinterpretation.
(EDIT2: I think, the approach are solely game mechanics - of course an instakill sucks, and maybe we should consider to reduce the chance thatfor - but I personally would not even take this "feature" totally out of the game. Because, if your char instakills something, thats a very very cool thing, isnt it? )