by Asraline » Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:54 am
I do not know about the current situation but it has just happened something to me that might be of interest for this topic.
This morning I had a subject about Latin American Literature. Being more specific, we were studying the Spanish colonialism. And it seems that, during the Indians were just discovered, there were different opinions about how to bring Christianism to the New World.
Some said to bring the message peacefully and with love because that was the message of Christ and it should be brung as he did. But others, -seeing that the previous ones were mostly murdered by the natives-, decided that war would be necessary mean. But we already know what happened afterwards: lots and lots of ancient tribes were practically exterminated.
I find this nice because I think it features an aspect of Gwen that I have not seen touched very often - peace. A kind of love which does not -only- revolve in carnal senses but on a strong filanthropic ideal, the natural opposition to the eternal battlefield. The general feeling I get from the current Gwennite cult is that it focuses more on the 'carnal love' aspect (senses, lust, baccanals, etc.) and its good, but not enough if you want conflict with the Asrals. Asrals do not oppose to carnal love: they practically oppose whoever who tries to undermine their military campaign.
So, to answer your question, Arsicas - there should be more conflict between Gwens and Asrals? Do you have to avoid them? My answer is that you needn't to. Gwen loves everyone after all. But I also think that conflict between these two can be pretty colorful and, if you aimed that from the perspective of a Gwennite, thinking more about the 'peace' aspect would be a good start.
Hope it was useful somehow.
EDIT: Correcting more ortography and grammar.
Last edited by
Asraline on Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Nibbler: I didn't travel back in time! My people lack that ability.
Fry: But... I know you in the future! I clean your poop!
Nibbler: Quite possible. We live long and are celebrated poopers.