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by Arsicas » Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:55 pm
So, I was listening to the Faun song
Die Wilde Jagd, and I thought it would make a nice Skald song due to the rhythm and melody (I figured it was probably an old folk song anyway). I thought about writing some English lyrics for it. Then I ended up looking up the translation of the lyrics, and I realized it was already a Skald song--it's Two Magicians!
http://lyricstranslate.com/en/die-wilde ... -hunt.html
It's interesting how in the German version, she gets away, but in the English version she doesn't.
Also, here is an English version of the song:
Okay, enough Skald geekery.

Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by anglachel » Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:53 am
We can add every song to the skalds if it fits and then it copy right free.
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by Arsicas » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:57 am
Ah, Irenia has a song that she would like added (it's an old folk song). Who should we contact about getting songs added? Arsicas also has one he wrote and posted to the Skald board.
Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by anglachel » Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:59 pm
Do mean the 'Death's poetry'? If you give you the rights to mud we can add it.
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by Arsicas » Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:36 pm
Yes, that one is Arsicas' song. I don't mind if you add it.
Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by Arsicas » Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:46 pm
Also, while on the subject of Skalds, I noticed that as a master skald, I can see what rank someone is at, but I can't tell if they are ready for a promotion in regard to skills. Also, when I tried to promote someone, it said they had not spent enough time at their current rank, but it didn't say how much longer they still needed to wait. Would it be possible to allow masters to see these things, kind of like masterscribes can?
Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by anglachel » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:15 pm
I add the Deaths's Potery to the non magical sings.
Secondary there should be now a info of the remaining time for promotion.
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by Arsicas » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:28 pm

Also, another idea... Some way to leave messages for or otherwise get in touch with those looking for masters. I received a message from Lerfal that someone was looking for a skald when I was out and about, and by the time I got back to Arborea, I couldn't find the person anywhere. Tried leaving a message with Kynir, but I have to have met the person in order to do that. Would there be a way to send sort of the opposite of the message the trainers send out? Like 'A master skald is available to speak with any applicants.' to those who have applied?
Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by anglachel » Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:58 am
Such a feature should be added
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by Arsicas » Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:43 pm

Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by Arsicas » Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:34 am
I came across an issue with this:
You ask Lerfal in Common: applicants
>Lerfal says in Common: There are three person who ask about join.
Lerfal says in Common: The inquisitive well-tanned male halfling ask
last hour for a skald to join the guild.
The inquisitive well-tanned male halfling strolls in from south.
The inquisitive well-tanned male halfling strolls out south.
Lerfal says in Common: I can reach none.
Lerfal whistles a merry tune.
The inquisitive well-tanned male halfling strolls in from south.
You feel a harmony within the world.
Lerfal smiles sadly.
Obviously, he was there and reachable, and he did say he received message that I was there, so that part of it works. It just gave me the message that no one was reachable.
Also, to clean up the English a bit, I would write this as:
"There are three persons (or people) who asked about joining."
"The <person> asked last hour for a skald to join the guild."
Duncan hisses in Common: love not keepzss zssomeone alive
You speak softly in Common: Sometimes it's all that keeps one
You smile slightly.
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by anglachel » Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:03 am
The problems should now be fixed.