by Xog » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:47 am
Stepping back into the library, Xog looked around for his teacher, and not seeing her, walked over to an empty table to wait for her.
Grumbling, Xog wondered how much longer he'd have to come here before he would get her approval to go back out into the world.
He hated sitting in a room full of books, this was not his world, and it never would be.
He wanted to train his body, to become a fearsome warrior and in this place of books and dried parchments, it just wasn't happening.
After what seemed like ages, he heard light footsteps approaching the table.
Looking up, he saw her...
Though she was an elf, her beauty still got to him.
Perhaps it was this, that kept him coming back day after day to learn the common tongue.
He loved how she sounded, and she carried herself as if she could handle herself in a battle.
She was not the tallest elf he'd seen, but not the shortest.
With long dark hair, and blue-green eyes and a gentle smile, something just drew him to her.
Shaking his head slightly, he watched her as she took her seat across from him and started to speak in the tshahark tongue.
She reminded him of the prior lessons, and asked him if he'd been practicing.
Nodding his head slightly, he began to slowly to speak in common...
"is pr...actice do."
Smiling, his teacher opened a book in front of her to begin another days worth of work.
She gave a phrase, then asked him to repeat it over and over.
Then, when she thought he could speak it well enough, asked him the meaning of the phrase.
Xog hated this, he thought it nonsense. Tshahark was strong tongue.
If people wanted talk to Xog, learn strong tongue and can show respect to tshaharks will.
Frowning, his teacher asked him if his mind was distracted again?
He blinked.
Speaking in tshahark, he asked, "What distracted mean?"
"It means your not focused, your thoughts are on other things."
Speaking in common, "Xog sorry."
And so, the day went on.
For a couple weeks now, he had been coming here and sitting for hours on end, learning something he really wasn't quite sure he would use, little lone remember all these words.
Another thought came up at the back of his mind...
Must learn what balance is. What it means. Must understand meaning.
Xog reminded himself to ask his teacher after he learned language what balance means.