With that being said, I have a few suggestions and this is purely based on my own experience, so please take as such!
1. Combat: the combat is GEAS is the best one i've seen. the perfect blend between automation and having a choice to impact the battle.
2. Grind: the grind is REAL here... killing 600+ nibblers to get to 40 rapier is something else. I get that this is a long term game and thats fine, im willing to invest the time to up the skills and I like that this game isn't trying to cater to the "gimme gimme now now" crowd.
3. Newbie things to do: I started in the human city and this is really where the game suffers - there is VERY little for a newbie to do here, kill rats in the sewers, kill goblins in the fields, or nibblers in the hut. The tavern guy tells me to help with the nibbler quest, so i go and find i can barely handle 1 or 2 nibbler, but that some of the rooms in that hut are 3+ nibblers (i died very quickly there). So i started grinding nibblers and 600+ nibblers later, 30 gold pieces from selliing their equipment, i still can't handle 3 at once. I would love to have other options and other things to do in the meantime. grinding nibblers is really getting old. and no, not interesting in gathering herbs and other things like that, i want to focus on combat!
4. RP: This game takes RP seriously, and thats great! but then you have these weird OOC things in the game that just don't make any sense! For example in the nibbler hut (supposedly a hut that was overrun by nibblers right?) there is a sign, and the game encourages you to read it. The sign says i shouldn't scalp and butcher them because they are humanoid. Here's the question: WHY ON EARTH would nibbler put a sign like that up? "hey we are here taking over this hut, you can kill us but don't butcher us okay?" This makes no sense. If there is a sect of the RP game that are against butchering humanoids, thats fine, but why are they allowed to have a sign hard-coded in the room description? Why can't persons who are pro-butchering humanoids have a sign too? I say just get rid of the thing. Its immersion breaking, makes no sense thematically. If you must have something, have a bloodstained book in the corner of the room giving some background on why butchering humanoids is bad or something like that.
5. Syntax and NPCs: The syntax here is very different from other muds. honestly I have no idea what i can do to interact with npcs. Sometimes its ask help, other times its ask job, sometimes its something else completely and there's no way for a new player to know how to interact with them. For example, to register in the human city as a citizen you go in the room with the big book and register in the big book, but youre still not a citizen. to be a citizen you need to type "register" ... there's nothing that tells me this and i had to ask newbie help. There are many examples of this and its very frustrating. my advice: have ONE command (either job or help, pick one!) that triggers an npc, and allow for more hints in the look description as to who i can interact with an npc.
this also applies to items in the game world... i mean there is ZERO hints of what something in the world can do. You see metal shackles on a stone cross? What can you do with them? look doesn't say anyhting so you need to try everything you can think of (and being new, i have no idea what options are available to interact with items) only to find out nothing works. If would help to have hints of what items can be used for "this item appears to have very little useful value" could mean there's no interaction or "this items appears to have been pulled recently" could mean it can be pulled. having to guess everything without any hints is frustrating.
6. items: there are very few items in the game that i can see. the city only sells one rapier, and i think i need to find a player to craft me a new rapier with steel or better metals. that's fine... but i have literally had the same weapon for the last 30+ ingame hours of playtime. Can you let me rename it at least? add a description? let me customize it somewhat?
7: follow road: LOVE this.
that's all i have for now, just my 2 cents... the biggest pain here is lack of things to do when in the 30-50 skill range and that darn nibbler sign. its very immersion breaking and OOC