Jezz leaves because a 10 day old crusader that has been smart enough to train in Eal-Deliah, can kill him, and I have a reputation to mantain
But it's true that Crusaders are more hated than sathos. For the simple reason that Crusaders have a strict code of behaviour and rules. And I really like them attacking Jezz on sight, or watch Blizt as he patrols Geas 10 times in less than 5 minutes looking for me. The fact that I sometimes want to fight him just to engage some pvp fun is removed quickly by the fact that I'm no match for him. And thus, Jezz has to hide.
Do I like to whine? Hell yeah

Is it true a satho can't fight against a crusader in equal conditions? Hell yeah

(Read it, equal conditions, don't start talking about ambushes, mercs, darkness or dragged npc's).
While I don't like the cliche of the evil guy who simply likes to kill, (because actually, if you want to hurt crusaders, the worst you can do is kill one of them to hear how soon the Lord and Lady will provide them with a new body to fight you with renewed forces) I can promise you that if Jezz could kill a crusader as easily as a crusader can kill him, you wouldn't see crussys standing at crossroads often.
So it's just a matter of "stair effect". I'll try to explain. Let's take a crusader as example:
- Can he kill npc's easily? Yes -> Next step
- Can he fight sathos? Yes -> Next step
- Can he fight order? Yes -> Next step
- Both order and sathos are a threat for him? No -> Next step
- Asrals with bad aura? Yes -> Start attacking them because the other steps are already solved.
- Do we fear thieves? No -> Thieves don't attack us, we can focus on sathos and order and the new evil wannabes without fear.
You can continue expanding your list, as long as you can afford it. Expand it too much and you will find that suddenly sathos, order, thieves and asrals join and beat out the crap of you.
As a crappy GL, I always try to remain a step behind the one I could actually be, because I don't like surprises, and in the past, I have seen how easily discouraged some players can be when they can't do what they want as evils.
So well, blame me for not trying to threaten or hurt every neutral player I meet, but what I already got is enough for me to hardly handle it. And when I talk about me, I talk too about me and some possible new sathos, because, actually, I don't care a lot about what happens to Jezz, but I care much more about what could happen to anyone new.
And well, last post of Abh and Venim somehow are opposite to Golub's hints. If we are good then, and crusaders are SO hated, why noone fights them?
It's much easier to ask some questions, frown, and then start brewing potions and flirting at crossroads, asking Yeger for his next troll hunt.
It's much easier, because I have tried it with other chars.