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#1 Post by kaspars » Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:04 am

There is one thing that really starts to bother me.
So far I took wiki as place where we all can post our logs so other players could have fun reading and forum as place, where we discuss RP style and behaviour of each other.
Recently, as I started to notice, wiki becomes place where some people start posting things that, in my opinion, belong to the forum.

I would like to ask wizs to clarify purpose of both resources as it seems there is some confusion.

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#2 Post by Drake » Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:20 am

The wiki resource is for exactly the purpose you described above.

As are the forums.

Neither are the place for the comments you mention.

They serve no purpose other than to carry on grudges, endless, pointless and tiresome OOC bickering.

Such comments as you refer to belong at one place and one place only, reported to the playerarch, privately, to be dealt with accordingly.

And for reference, they don't belong on IM networks either, being swelled out of proportion, exaggerated beyond reality or whatever else people like to think they are doing with them there.

The only thing that does is hurt Geas as a whole when players believe the utter nonsense being spread via such means.

And I'd like to take the opportunity to say to everyone who has been exposed to such trash, simply ask me in my position as playerarch to confirm/deny if applicable, investigate if necessary, clarify if needed, or find out for you if possible, rather that simply believing whatever rumor you happen to have heard this time round.
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#3 Post by adanath » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:15 pm

I feel that at times I have been one of the ones to use the board or wiki to unnecessarily flame players, for that is never neccessary. I apologize to any I have offended.

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#4 Post by Blizt » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:30 pm

Yes, I apologize to others as well. I know that when someone posts logs/comments that are obviously directed towards certain things I am affiliated with it draws a rude response from me.

So to those of you I have made rude remarks to, I apologize as well.

Also, I would like to mention certain logs revealing IC information not yet known to the public have been posted. I remember the forum rules stating that revealing IC information was forbidden.
Also, those logs are posted at the most inconvenient of times and after such incidents which make the logs "appear" more like an OOC insult aimed to draw a reaction instead of posting it for the enjoyment of others to read.

Perhaps the people creating the problem could stop, so there is no problem for people to add to. It works both ways.

Yet again, I apologize anyways.

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#5 Post by chara » Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:35 pm

Blitz - if incidences like you mention are occurring, please tell the Player Arch. Making unspecific blanket accusations doesn't really create a good atmosphere, even if you are trying to gently remind the ones who have done something you don't like - the Player Arch can handle that a bit better.

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