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Ways to avoid @say and all that pesky OOC

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:18 am
by rafael
I'm trying to break myself out of the habit of using @say so often for things like AFK, and linkdeath, but find it hard. Any tips?

So far things like excuse me for a moment, looking toward some direction or the sky and looking generally distracted (with perhaps an xdesc) might do the trick. But with linkdeath it's a bit tricky. I've been considering roleplay Rafael as hard of hearing, which would be fine since it's well random, but if and when my router gets fixed or sorts itself and the wireless out.. I'll probably have a hard time roleplaying someone with hearing problems, or would at least be lacking the motivation or perhaps stimulus to remind myself. Is something like this a roleplay no-no?

Any thoughts or tips?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:59 am
by Andreati

That's the post that I remember had some ideas