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Light armour stats

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:19 pm
by triska
My Light armour stats are dropping inspite of the the fact my armours are mostly all leather including the custom made except for the chaincoif.(This armour seems to be of the type scale.)

You are wearing a left warglove, a pair of short ankle-high boots, a right
warglove, a silver robe and a wide leather belt (with one scabbard and one
sheath attached to it).
Under that you are wearing a gemmed golden ring, a leather shirt, a padded
tunic, a pair of leather leggings, a pair of leather thigh-guards, a runic
ring with a large very pale green-sparkling jewel, a short forest-green coat
and a small decorated chaincoif.

light armour : 37( 43)

I have not noticed any medium armour skill coming into replace the light is this correct? any advice on this would be welcome please.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:17 pm
by Devi
This is my understanding from hearing this a number of times:

The armour skills can be a bit tricky. They stop increasing once your character doesn't need them, i.e. isn't encumbered by the armours very much.

So the only way to improve the light armour skills is to get weaker and weaker or get heavier and heavier armours. And then - as soon as you become strong or get light enough armours, the skill will drop again.

Basically, the skill will settle at the exact level you need it at.

An example: Devi has 16 light armour. Having 100 wouldn't make any difference, and training it would require wearing a lot of leather.

If you really want to improve it, don't wear custom armour or non-leather armour. Custom armour is lighter, and non-leather armour doesn't count.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:26 pm
by tessa
Are you suddenly getting medium armour improves? I think the problem may be the chaincoif through pushing your armour encumberance through the light armour range and into the medium armour range.

At least, my theory is that what your armours are considered depends on how encumbering they are for the char. This could explain why tshaharks can get light armour improves on complete chainmail sets, or why little halflings would get medium/heavy armour improves with just a single piece of metal armour. Or why some people wearing nothing but leather just suddenly stop improving the light armour skill- their armours become hardly, if at all, encumbering anymore for them.

My suggestion is trying a cap instead of a chaincoif, and see if your light armour skill starts to recover again.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:31 am
by luminier
i think your problem is that your a halfling. because of their sever weakness it may have some effect on armours.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:34 am
by jezz
I tested the armour skills for quite some time, and without knowing the code, I can say that when an armour skill is dropping there could be two reasons:

A) You are not wearing the correct armours (ie. wearing all chains and expecting your light-armour skill to go up)

B) You don't need the skill anymore.

I guess your case is B so congratulations! :D Your stats are good enough now so you don't need the skill to fight efficiently with your current armours.

In fact, I guess the only skill someone could mantain at 100 for a long time would be heavy armour......

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:52 am
by Delia
Dunno...relatively recently I improved light armours, then again. Skill is pretty high already and not wearing all the leather possible even. Str decent too. Guess there are some mysteries to it.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:34 am
by adanath
the armours have been confusing me since I was back

When Adanath started as a Crusader his light armour improved (thats right light armour using all crusader armours but I used enough light armours so that they improved, eg: padded tunic, shirt, trousers, apron, robe, white tunic, and one other small item).

After the changes when I came back my medium armour started to improve..anyways Adanath (despite being decently armoured) has 100 light armour now and over 90 medium armour, along with high heavy armour as well and they never drop *shrugs*. (though other things do)

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:57 pm
by anglachel
To improve a skill likr light or medium armour. you must carry the right amours. Yo must carry enough of the right type and to much form the other types. If you are carry to much heavy armours , you will improve only the heavy armour skill.
Second the skill must be used. Im which case you must fight with your armours from time to time.
In other case the skills will drop.

Re: Light armour stats

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:13 am
by Olrane
If I recall correctly, and what Anglachel is saying, is that the code was modified slightly relatively recently. It used to be based almost entirely (I am making guesses) on a weight formula (light, medium, heavy load) with a little bit of the actual armours making a difference. Now it is more based on armour types, although I presume some of the weight still factors in. The recent changes allowed my fighter who wore just a bit of chain and mostly leather to stop only improving medium armour but to improve light armour more often than medium. Still, there is enough of both being worn to need the two skills.